Leyland Historical Society
The Society has many publications available for sale at our monthly meetings or through the Chairman's e-mail address
The two volume sets of Layland Chronicle's 50 editions from 1970 to 2005 on CD Rom have now almost sold out.
We have therefore now downloaded them and the following 12 Chronicles onto another part of our website
To view these we require a donation of £5.00 to the Historical Society
The History of Leyland Historical Society (Occasional Paper 6) by Peter Houghton at £3.75
David Grant - His life, works and his drawings of Leyland (Occasional Paper 8) By William Waring & Elizabeth Shorrock at £3.75
Lailand Chronicle 50th Anniversary - No 64, The Society's special yearly publication at £3.75
Previous years editions at £2.00 each or 3 for £5.00
History of Leyland Festival at £3.75
The Guide to the Industrial Heritage of Leyland and Farington" updated and expanded second edition £11.50
NEW - Occleshaw House - One of the oldest houses in Leyland £4.75
NEW - Leyland in Victorian and Edwardian Times £6.00